Saturday, October 23, 2010

Final Reflections

Coming into this assignment with very little knowledge on ICT in general, this was always going to be an eye opening experience. Both of my topics surprised me. So many technologies I’d either not heard of or hadn’t linked to education exist and can enhance learning experiences and outcomes for students.  For both my topics there are two clear types of technologies. Technologies which enable and technologies which educate.

Technologies which Enable

Distance education courses make use of many technologies which enable to varying degrees. These include those which enable delivery of content, for example email, course management systems (such as Moodle) and videoconferencing. Even satellite technology and broadband etc fall into this category. They also include those which enable interaction. There is quite a bit of overlap with the ICTs which enable delivery of content here, as email and videoconferencing obviously both belong in this category also, as do online student forums. For special needs education, the situation is a little different. In this context enabling technologies primarily aid students in using technology which they would otherwise be unable to use, for example adaptive devices, digitized text programs and text to speech programs.

Technologies which Educate

These are the technologies which can aid in learning. ICTs such as web resources, educational games and online activities in the case of distance education, and interactive virtual environments, educational games, cognitive organisational programs and even small robots in the case of special needs education to name just a few. 

Both types of technology are extremely important and require teacher knowledge and training in practical application (for all ICTs) and appropriate pedagogical techniques (particularly important for educational technologies). I was interested to see that the technologies are already available which can help students succeed in a myriad of ways, and the issue is not creating programs, but instead prioritising their use and working out how to most effectively implement them. Obviously, funding is another important issue, affecting schools (online, traditional and specifically for special needs students) and students to varying degrees. So the technology is there – it’s just getting it into action in a pedagogically sound way and finding the funds to make it happen. 
I was not expecting to find that the main issues, in my opinion, facing distance education are the same as those facing traditional education, and are not specifically to do with ICT. Appropriate pedagogy, tailoring programs to individual needs and learning styles, adequate resources – these are major issues facing all education, not just distance. The fact that technology could aid in solving many of these problems was not something I necessarily expected either. 

The lack of research into the area of special needs education and the minimal attention given to the role of ICT was quite a surprise after reading about the many programs already available and in development. The results from the studies I read were so positive, that I still don’t understand why more emphasis isn’t being put onto this area by Government bodies. The fact that many programs are expensive and require teacher training could explain this to an extent, but with the vast sums of money the government is pumping into schools specifically for ICTs, this explanation does not really make sense. 

I would love to see more research into these areas. In the case of special needs education larger scale studies would surely highlight the positive impact ICT can have on students struggling with disabilities. For distance education, studying the effectiveness of various online programs and discovering how best to teach using these resources would not only be beneficial for distance learners, but also have relevance for traditional classrooms. 

I have come from a place of total ignorance at the beginning of this assignment and ended with what could be described almost as a sense of wonderment at the role technology can and does play in education for distance and special needs students. I have always believed however, that effective teaching is the key to effective education and my view on this has been solidified. No matter how many possibilities for deep, effective and enjoyable learning technology affords, without teachers who know how to best teach using these resources, their potential will never be fully realised.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Special Needs and ICT... Possibilities and Problems

Before looking into this subject I was unaware that the area of ICT and special needs education was so full of exciting possibilities. Many technologies exist which can help students with various disabilities become more integrated into the mainstream classroom, improve learning outcomes, accommodate physical disabilities, aid in socialisation and make the learning process more enjoyable and productive. Despite ICT becoming part of education as early as the 1970s, it is only in the past few years that the positive role it can play for learners with special needs has been recognised (Stevens, 2004 as cited in Williams, Jamali and Nicholas, 2006, p.330). However, even now the extent to which governments are prioritising technology for those with special needs is still questionable. It is tempting to become carried away by the positives and possibilities (especially as someone without previous knowledge on the subject) but there are many issues and barriers to be considered. 

Looking at the available research, the positive results obtained for special needs students when technology is effectively integrated into their curriculum are overwhelming. However, I could find few studies regarding ICT and special needs education, and those I did find were conducted on a small scale. As Williams, Jamali and Nicholas observed in their 2006 paper, there has been a “surprising lack of research” (p.330) into the usability of mainstream technology and the specific applications created to assist those with special needs, despite the many ICT initiatives for people with all kind of disabilities.

So what are the reasons for the relatively minimal research? Is it that there's a lack of funding being streamed into these areas? This is a hard question to answer, as the issue of funding is a difficult one to assess. In some countries such as Ireland, it is clear that the funding and policies necessary to make technology a meaningful part of special needs education are seriously lacking (Roche, 2009, p.5). Gauging the Australian situation is a challenge. Forlin and Lock’s 2005 paper on technology use in rural Western Australian schools states that the necessary infrastructure and financial support is being provided by the government for both urban and rural schools. It also states there is an increased emphasis on ICT in special needs education and cites Government papers on these issues. However, looking at the government websites, this emphasis is not at all clear. The government’s Digital Education Revolution website does not mention special needs students at all in relation to this large initiative, except to say that schools can apply to use the Secondary School Computer Fund to buy alternative devices such as multimedia resources and adaptive devices for students with disabilities who cannot use regular computer equipment. The funding formula is not altered to cater for possibly more expensive technology however, meaning that additional funds are not allocated. It seems that the stronger focus thrown onto ICT and its possibilities for educating those with special needs in recent times is not at the stage where it is recognised enough to be highlighted by the government.

As Roche observes: “Computers and other forms of Information Communication Technology are but mere tools...they will only enhance learning if used correctly”(2009, p.5). Teacher training is an issue linked both with lack of research and lack of funding. A Becta paper looking at the research regarding ICT and special needs education acknowledges that further research is required into good pedagogical approaches using ICT(2003, p.3). Despite the fact that the paper was written in 2003, this point is still pertinent today. Teachers face the difficult task of not only mastering the use of various technologies in order to help their students use them, but also understanding and applying appropriate pedagogical practices. Adaptive devices (which include technologies that allow students with certain disabilities to use computers with greater ease such as mouse and keyboard alternatives, touch screens etc) are important elements when it comes to special needs education and allow for greater inclusivity and require practical usage knowledge by teachers, but do not require additional pedagogical knowledge. However, many complex programs are available to aid in the academic and social education of students, and knowing how to use these programs in a way that can best support and enhance learning is obviously essential. For example, with researchers proposing that interactive environments such as virtual environments, avatars and even small robots can be of great benefit to certain special needs students (Konstantinidis, et al., 2009, p.1), it is easy to see how the task of fully equipping teachers with the skills required to integrate technology of these types into the curriculum would be a daunting one for both policy makers and teachers themselves.

My research has uncovered many innovative and promising technologies aimed at supporting special needs students on a practical and academic level. The scholarly works on this subject seem to consist primarily of papers looking at the possibilities of emerging and already available technologies without studies to back up their hypotheses. The technologies discussed appear initially to be godsends, allowing for inclusivity, better outcomes and increased motivation at the very least. However, looking more deeply, the relative superficiality of the research into the area of usability and potential applications becomes depressingly clear. As noted earlier, this is surprising given the programs now available and the apparently increased emphasis on ICT and special needs students by governments and research bodies. 

My view is that large scale studies are required to produce reliable results regarding the measurable effects of technologies in special needs education. While the small scale studies I have read have offered across the board positive results, the size of the samples used somewhat undermine their findings. Serious research into how to apply programs and technologies in a pedagogically sound manner is also required. The fact that governments are showing increasing (if still inadequate) interest in ICT as it specifically relates to special needs education encourages me to believe that  a more substantial body of research could be the catalyst for improved focus on integrating a range of specific ICTs into the curriculum and prioritising the training of teachers in their use. 

Forlin, C., Lock, G.(2005) Employing Technologies to Engage Students with Diverse Needs in Rural School Communities. Retrieved from

Williams, P., Jamali, H., Nicholas, d. (2006). Using ICT with People with Special Educational Needs: What the Literature Tells Us. Aslib Proceedings, 58(4), 330-342. doi: 10.1108/00012530610687704

Roche, M. (2009). Using Technology Enhanced Learning to Teach Children with Asperger's Syndrome in the Irish Mainstream Classroom - Are We Missing Something? Retrieved from

Konstaninidis, E., Luneski, A., Frantzidis, C., Nikolaidou, M., Hitoglou-Antonadou, M., Bamidis, P. (2009). Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Enhanced Education of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare, 7(5), 284-292. Retrieved from

Becta ICT Research. (2003). What the Research Says about ICT Supporting Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Inclusion. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Addressing the Diverse Learning Needs of Students in Rural Schools with the Help of ICT

Employing Technologies to Engage Students with Diverse Needs in Rural School Communities. By Charles Forlin and Graeme Lock

Inclusivity in the classroom and ICT's role in achieving this is the primary focus of this paper. It looks at a study examining the technologies being used in four rural schools in Western Australia and the positives and concerns surrounding their use. All schools are isolated, including students with diverse needs as no special education schools exist in the locales. The paper begins by briefly discussing ICT use for students in general and for special needs students across Australia, concentrating on Western Australia. It also examines the various funding initiatives aimed at increasing technology use in schools, and notes a growing focus on recognising and supporting ICT's role in educating those with special needs.

The study's results show that the issues of technical support within schools, appropriate use of funds, teacher knowledge and technical problems such as power outages are the primary concerns. Funding was found to be sufficient. The overall conclusion is that ICT is greatly supporting enhanced inclusivity and educational outcomes for students with a wide range of needs and being used in an intelligent and appropriate way in most cases. If attention can be given to addressing the problems and impediments that still exist, even more effective and rewarding results can be obtained. The authors warn, however, that these positive outcomes cannot be fully achieved without continued and improved staff support and better technical maintenance.

This paper confirmed once again the benefits of using ICT in the classroom in general, particularly for students with special needs. It was encouraging to read that there has been recognition by the government that ICT for special needs students is an important issue, although from my research it seems that more emphasis on ICT and specific funding would be very positive.

Forlin, C., Lock, G.(2005) Employing Technologies to Engage Students with Diverse Needs in Rural School Communities. Retrieved from

Friday, October 1, 2010

Substantial Research Lacking Regarding ICT and Special Needs Students

Using ICT with People with Special Educational Needs: What the Literature Tells Us by Peter Williams, Hamid R. Jamali and David Nicholas

This British paper reviews previous studies related to ICT use of people with special educational needs. It is divided into sections focusing on various aspects of ICT and SEN, including perceived benefits, specific applications/programs, ICT for specific conditions and usability.

Discussing studies and technologies in each area, the authors conclude that while the possibilities of ICT in educating those with special needs have been recognised for several years and a wide range of technologies created for both educational and more general purposes, a surprisingly small number of studies have been conducted. The studies that have been undertaken focus mainly on those with vision and other physical impairments.

This review was conducted to advise Project @PPLe: Accessibility and Participation in the World Wide Web for People with Learning Disabilities, a project run throughout 2004 and 2005. The project focused on discovering the ways in which people with learning difficulties access and utilize ICTs, developing recommendations and guidelines for effective ways in which to deliver multimedia to people with learning impairments and developing a multimedia learning environment accessible to learners and able to meet their individual needs. The above link describes the project and its outcomes in detail.

The lack of substantive research in the area of ICT and special needs education is something that I have come up against in my research. This paper was written 4 years ago, but it seems that since that time there has not been an especially increased emphasis on these issues. This is bewildering to me as the ICT programs and initiatives for learners with special needs are many and exciting.

Williams, P., Jamali, H., Nicholas, d. (2006) Using ICT with People with Special Educational Needs: What the Literature Tells Us. Aslib Proceedings, 58(4), 330-342. doi: 10.1108/00012530610687704

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Can ICT Improve Maths Outcomes for students with Special Needs?

ICT –Based Dynamic Assessment to Reveal Special Education Students’ Potential in Mathematics by Marjolin Peltenberg, Maria van den Heuvel-Panhuizen and Alexander Robitizsch

This paper looks at results that can be obtained using ICT based assessment in discovering special needs students' potential in mathematics in comparison with standardised, written tests. Subtraction of numbers under one humdred was the focus of the tests, as special needs pupils often struggle with such equations. Two ICT based test variations were administered to separate groups, each using a different tool to assist students in solving the mathematical problems. One tool was an empty number line to which students could add markers and plot their equations, and the other was a set of counters placed on a board with a ten by ten grid.

The ICT based tests were administered before the written tests, eliminating the possibility that the written tests could influence the results. Forty three students aged eight to twelve took part in the number line test, and thirty seven in the test using the other auxiliary tool. The results obtained by students in the ICT based test were significantly higher, with an approximately 20% better score obtained.

The paper also explores details of students' working processes - how they used the tools and how this affected the results, finding that when the tools were used improperly,  the majority of errors occurred.

The paper discusses the limitations of the study as well, including issues such as the relatively small student sample, and the fact that the ICT based tests contained seven questions while the written test contained fifty four equations. These limitations put a different slant on the results, preventing broad conclusions and revealing the need for further research. However, the consistent results obtained across the sample group still point to definite benefits of these ICT based assessments.

Peltenberg, M., van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., Robitizsch, A. (2010). ICT –Based Dynamic Assessment to Reveal Special Education Students’ Potential in Mathematics. Research Papers in Education, 25(3), 319-332. doi:10.1080/02671522.2010.498148

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Writing with Technology: ICT Options to Aid Students with Special Needs

Learning to Write:  Technology for Students with Disabilities in Secondary Inclusive classrooms by Patricia M. Barbetta and Linda Spears-Bunton 

This paper looks at seven technologies available to help special needs students with the physical and organisational requirements for writing in a high school English class setting. The technologies reviewed are:

1. Digitized-text: Text from a printed source can be digitized using a range of technologies and then adapted, and text from online sources can be copied into programs such as Microsoft Word or specialised programs. Font size, style, colour and background colour can be changed,  words or passages highlighted and images added. These technologies are among those used for digitizing and/or adapting text: Kurzweil 3000, The Reading Pen & the InfoScan Electronic Note Taker.

2. Text-to-speech: Written digital text can be converted to spoken word. Sophisticated programs can help students with vision impairments and other disabilities who require text to be read aloud as they read or write. Kurzweil 3000 and Texthelp Read&Write 9.0 GOLD include this function.

3.Word Prediction: As students write, the program predicts the word they are typing according to the context and prevalence. A list of words is provided for the student to choose from and type with one keystroke. This speeds the writing process, makes spelling less of an issue and reduces fatigue for the physically disabled. A variety of programs include this function. Kurzweil 3000 and Texthelp Read&Write 9.0 GOLD are two examples.

4. Electronic Reference: A digital source which functions as dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Kurzweil 3000 and Microsoft word include these functions. Students with limited writing and reading skills and vocabularies can benefit from this technology. Handheld devices are also available such as the Merriam-Webster Speaking Dictionary and Thesaurus Device.

5.Cognitive Organisation: These programs use visuals to organise information and help with the process of writing. Inspiration 8.0 (Inspiration 9 is now available) is one such 'graphic organiser'. Diagrams can be created and links to websites, images included. These features are only the beginning. This program performs many functions, all aimed at supporting a range of learning needs and aiding in the overall writing process.

 6. Speech Recognition: Students dictate to the computer and their words are translated to text. This is especially useful for those with physical disabilities but has its limitations. The program often needs to learn the speaker's voice which takes time, clear speech is essential and background noise can interfere. Another speech recognition application is computer control, where students can control the computer and software with spoken instructions.

7. Alternative Writing Technologies: Portable word processors such as Neo and Dana can be used to type multiple pages which can then be transferred via USB cable or other means to a computer or printer. Also included in this category are alternative keyboards for students for whom traditional computer keyboards are unsuitable.

Before reading this paper I was unaware of most of these technologies. Looking into them further, I feel that the possibilities for helping students with a wide range of needs are very positive, and they could aid in 'levelling the playing field' for special needs students. While the paper did not offer data regarding proven effectiveness, it concludes that technology can perform a supporting function, and I definitely agree.

Barbetta, P., Spears-Bunton, L. (2009) Learning to Write:  Technology for Students with Disabilities in Secondary Inclusive classrooms. Research, Reflections and Innovations in Integrating ICT in Education, 1166-1170. Retrieved from

Monday, September 20, 2010

Helping Kids with Asperger’s Syndrome Learn and Become Integrated Members of the Classroom with the Help of Technology.

This paper looks at the beneficial role of technology (focusing on computers) in helping children with Asperger’s Syndrome to learn more effectively. It discusses benefits computers can offer such as increasing students’ motivation to learn and improving outcomes through the use of games using repetition in particular. It concentrates mainly on the ways in which technology can aid in developing children with AS’s social skills with the use of avatars and video technology, teaching children to recognise facial expressions and developing their conversational skills in a controlled environment. Using computers for group work is also discussed as an effective method for allowing children who would normally struggle with working with their peers to engage successfully in collaborative tasks. 

This is an Irish paper published in 2009, and while the author emphasises the multiple benefits of technology use for kids with AS, she laments the fact that such learning methods are not being implemented across Ireland due to lack of policy and teacher training. 

The issue of teacher training and funding is obviously critically important. Whether ICT can be used to effectively enhance learning for children with special needs is irrelevant if teachers have insufficient skills, and specialised ICT resources are lacking. My investigation into the funding for training and equipment provided by the government in Australia has been somewhat frustrating. While increasing technology’s role in mainstream education has been greatly emphasised and funded recently, there isn’t much mention of technology resources dedicated to special needs students. Special needs education funding seems to be seen as a separate issue, and it is difficult to ascertain what proportion of funds is being directed towards ICTs for these students.

Roche, M. (2009). Using Technology Enhanced Learning to Teach Children with Asperger's Syndrome in the Irish Mainstream Classroom - Are We Missing Something? Retrieved from